Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today was a Difficult Day... but a Good Day

Let's see - yesterday was my sister's birthday, and today Matthew and Jennifer's son was born - Keegan Jon. Riley is a big sister now! She has no idea how her life just changed today. After a while, though, she won't remember what it was like to be the only one... but she still might want to hit him on the head with a bag of (was it pretzels? fritoes?).. something.

The little guy in our house was not interested in napping (despite overwhelming evidence of tiredness). Shrieking and yelling ensued [this was the difficult part of the day]. So, I gave up and went out (we got some puzzles because Friday has become interested in our foam books with lift-out pieces).

Oh, well, but earlier in the day the little dude was practicing his walking (with props still, of course).

Tomorrow - visitor from the west [Aunt Emily - which always reminds me of Mr. Mom.. so does vacuuming. i should watch that again. i bet the jokes are funnier when you've been a parent.]! And we should be having some nice weather this week - it's saying low 70's and sunny.

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