Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Anya, the demon cat is waiting to pounce

on my desk. Earlier she pulled out all of the papers in the cubby holes and knocked them on the floor. Along with some unpaid bills, my netflix DVDs, and my planner. And the article Jamiss sent (thank you! haven't finished reading it yet). Unfortunately it's hard to remove a demon cat from the desk while feeding a baby. It can be done, however, the demon cat is quite persistent. Occasionally I call her Anyanka, which I think is quite appropriate to her nature (well, Anyanka is a vengeance demon - I think Anya just likes to get into trouble). During the day Anya prefers to sleep on some of the still-packed boxes, perhaps dreaming about what she is going to get into next.

Tyger, on the other hand, has spent the last week sleeping on our couch. It is rare to see him elsewhere. In fact, I've had trouble when I sit down with the baby - Tyger will try to sit on both of us. Rather uncomfortable for all.

So, Boy Friday and I get to sit (or lay, in his case) on the floor. I don't think he minds much. We had a good Wednesday - there was no screaming in the car at all! So I managed to run a couple of errands, make dinner, do some laundry, AND even took a shower. Now, he also took an afternoon nap, which caused him to not want to sleep until at least 11:30pm. But, I figured that was a small price to pay for a relatively happy baby all evening.

Of course, it also led to an early rise of oh... 5am, then 6:30, then 7:30 (when he insisted he was hungry). Bummer. And today - not so into getting in the car again (how dare you strap me into this evil carseat!). So, we went for a walk instead. Not what I'd planned - but really, my plans are only suggestions these days. We never managed to get a pumpkin - maybe tomorrow? Who knows? At least I have some mums to make the house feel more autumnal...

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