Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Trip Downtown

Friday and I actually had an adventure today - we took the train downtown to visit with Mu and Papa (my grandparents) who were on an Amtrak layover. Chicago (and maybe other places, too) is not easy to get around with a stroller, I've discovered. There are steps everywhere! The trains have steps, the stations have crazy revolving doors, and people give you dirty looks if you get in their way with a massive stroller contraption.

So, I didn't take the stroller. I tried my luck with one of those baby carriers. Not super easy to get around, either - but much more convenient than a bulky stroller. I couldn't fit my camera in the little bag I brought with me (not that I'd have been able to manage taking photos of us anyhow).

Our first trip on the train, first real test of the baby carrier, first diaper change in a public restroom. What fun!

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