Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Eleven Months Old (and it's been awhile!)


Well, the Little Dude is now eleven months old! I just checked to see if I had any photos from a year ago... but I don't seem to on this computer. Not that I am too fond of my goofy-looking pregnant self of one year ago. In fact, I suspect there aren't any photos from exactly this time last year, as I had an evil-looking rash all over my arms and legs. Not something I enjoyed showing off (really, it was quite frightening to look at).

This guy is much cuter to look at anyhow:

June 22 09

We've spent a lot of our time lately chasing Boy Friday around the house as he attempts to harass the cats (especially chester, the cat who doesn't move unless his paws are pulled and sat upon repeatedly), get into the litter box, play with the baby monitor (it has a cool night light that he just wants to touch), and he just loves trying to get into daddy's office area (pretty blue power button on the cpu is so tempting).

Ever since he's started crawling, he's been pushing up to a kneeling position. I've found him in his crib turning the aquarium on and off, on and off, on and off... And he seems to be able to push himself up like this using the wall, my legs, the cats, unstable plastic objects... whatever!

Just so you all know you aren't missing out on anything - there are no Birthday festivities planned for next month. I don't think Boy Friday is going to feel too deprived, though. I mean, he *is* only turning ONE. I don't remember my first birthday. Do you?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

This week in the land of shrieking baby...

Yes, Boy Friday has been up to his old tricks again. Shrieking up a storm! Indeed, every single time he gets strapped into a seat of any kind, shrieking ensues. Both new and old car seats? Check. Big stroller? Check. Umbrella stroller? Check. Booster seat/high chair? Check!

Anyway... it has occurred to me that the Little Dude has grown out of a lot of his clothing. Lengthwise, anyhow. So, sleepers with feet are not working so well right now. No, it isn't very cold, but jackets are still required in the evenings here - and the other day it was in the 50's! Good thing the little guy still has a jacket or two that fit. His 12 month pants don't fit so well, though - a wee bit baggy yet (especially in the waist!).

Oh, and I think I forgot to mention that he now has SEVEN teeth. Wow! Most have come in twos, though... where is that eighth tooth?? Weird (see his three bottom teeth in the photo).
June 10 09

In other new developments....

Even with those baggy pants he's moving forward! Yesterday and the day before he was inching forward just a bit - he's especially motivated to get the cats. Although Lotus moves quickly when Friday is nearby... Chester waits until the little guy is on top of him before moving. I suspect he will learn to move more quickly... but we'll see!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009